9 January Pravasi Bharathiya Dinam
10 January World laughing day
12 January National Youth Day
Birthday of swami Vivekananda
15 January World Army day
25 January Indian Tourism day , Army Day
27 January International customs day
4 February - World cancer day
28 February_ National science day
It is celebrated on the day in 1928 CV Raman discovered Raman effect.
CV Raman awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in1930.
July 1- Doctor's day
It is celebrated on the birthday of Dr B C Roy. He was awarded Barath Rathna on 1961.
1948 മുതൽ 1962 വരെ അദ്ദേഹം പശ്ചിമ ബംഗാളിന്റെ മുഖ്യമന്ത്രിയായിരുന്നു.
29 August-National sport's day
This day the birthday of Major Dhyan Chand Singh, the hockey who won gold medals in Olympics for India in the 1928,1932 & 1948